Zum Editieren von Einträgen muß JavaScript aktiviert sein!   
Name   Account
Password (max. 8 char.)   !
Full name   your real name
Place/Address   optional
Phone / Mobile   optional
visible in LAA   Place/Address    Phone / Mobile    eMail public
Language   see right panel
  • The (Nick)Name/Account is recommended to be not too cryptic in order to keep your modifications refered to you for all the users of this forum. Note: in case of too enigmatic anonymising names I may delete the whole entry!
  • ‘eMail‘-Address: is required if you want to edit and create new entries for events, workshops or locations.
  • 'Language' english: if you select 'english' as langauge you will be shown the english descriptions to Events, Locations or Workshops - if available - instead of the usual german text.

    Get varsmode=EditUser, id=-1, PHPSESSID=3acee56f3ff97035b84629d0c7fd8e08
    Post vars 
    Sessionlang=english, sesLoginState=, sUserByURL=, sPwdByURL=, idHighlight=0